- Address
- 305-0047 1-2-1 Sengen Tsukuba Ibaraki JAPAN [Access]
PublicationsNIMS affiliated publications since 2004.
Research papers
- I. Gutierrez-Urrutia, A. Shibata, K. Tsuzaki. Microstructural study of microbands in a Fe-30Mn-6.5Al-0.3C low-density steel deformed at cryogenic temperature by combined electron channeling contrast imaging and electron backscatter diffraction. Acta Materialia. 233 (2022) 117980 10.1016/j.actamat.2022.117980
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia. Analysis of Electron Channeling Contrast of Stacking Faults in fcc Materials. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 27 [2] (2021) 318-325 10.1017/s1431927620024952
- Eralp Demir, Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia. Investigation of strain hardening near grain boundaries of an aluminum oligocrystal: Experiments and crystal based finite element method. International Journal of Plasticity. 136 (2021) 102898 10.1016/j.ijplas.2020.102898
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia, Cheng Lin Li, Xin Ji, Satoshi Emura, Koichi Tsuchiya. Twinning and Detwinning Mechanisms in Beta-Ti Alloys. MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM. (2018) 821-826 10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.941.821
- I Gutierrez-Urrutia, C-L Li, S Emura, K Tsuchiya. Twinning and detwinning mechanisms in a BCC Ti Mo-Fe multilayered alloy. IOP CONFERENCE SERIES:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. (2017) 012042-1-012042-7 10.1088/1757-899x/219/1/012042
- SHIBATA, Akinobu, GUTIERREZ URRUTIA, Ivan, 中村 晶子, MORONAGA, Taku, OKADA, Kazuho, Yazid Madi, Jacques Besson, HARA, Toru. Local crack arrestability of hydrogen-related fracture in high-strength martensitic steel. The 7th International Symposium on Steel Science 2024 (ISSS). 2024 Invited
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 中村 晶子, 諸永 拓, 岡田 和歩, 原 徹. マルテンサイト鋼の水素脆性き裂伝播挙動. 日本鉄鋼協会 第188回秋季講演大会. 2024
- 柴田 曉伸, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, 中村 晶子, 諸永 拓, 岡田 和歩, 原 徹. マルテンサイト鋼における水素脆性破壊のマルチスケール解析. 日本金属学会2024年秋期(第175回)講演大会. 2024 Invited
- 江村 聡, グティエレス ウルティア イヴァン, ジ シン, 土谷 浩一. β型チタン合金における双晶変形挙動の解析. 金属. [1] (2019) 14-20
- Ivan Gutierrez-Urrutia. Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging: A Powerful Technique to Quantitative Microstructure Characterization in the SEM. Microscopy. 64 [suppl 1] (2015) i32.1-i32 10.1093/jmicro/dfv114
Research Center for Structural Materials
Novel 2D/3D characterization methods for Steel science
SEM, ECCI, t-EBSD, t-FSEI, In-situ SEM, 3D-Materials Sience, 3D-EBSD, 3D-labDCT, Plasticity, Crystal defects, Mechanical behavior, High-strength steels, Low-density steels
Development of novel SEM methods (ECCI, EBSD, t-FSEI) for the characterization of plasticity in steels; Development of reconstruction methods of 3D microstructural data (3D-EBSD and 3DLabDCT) for the investigation of 3D Materials Science in steels; Plasticity mechanisms in low-density steels for cryogenic applications
Novelty and originality
Development of novel analysis methods (SEM, LabDCT) for 2D/3D microstructure and crystal defect characterization in steels; Investigation of strain localization mechanisms in low-density steels for cryogenic applications; 3D Microstructurebased design of advanced high-strength steels

(a): ECCI method for the characterization of a stacking fault in austenitic steels; (b): (BF) (t-FSEI) imaging of dislocations in lath martensite; (c): Analysis methods for 3D microstructure characterization: 3D-EBSD and 3D-LabDCT; (d): Analysis of strain localization phenomena in a FeMnAlC low-density steel
Development of analysis methods for SEM and X-Ray Contrast Tomography; Strain localization mechanisms in low-density steels for cryogenic applications; 3D Materials Science (3D-crystallography and 3D-Microstructure characterization) of steels: Mechanical behavior of high-strength steels