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- 305-0047 茨城県つくば市千現1-2-1 [アクセス]
[論文] | [書籍] | [会議録] | [口頭発表] | [その他の文献] | [公開特許出願]
論文 TSV
- Yibin Xu, Yen-Ju Wu, Huiping Li, Lei Fang, Shigenobu Hayashi, Ayako Oishi, Natsuko Shimizu, Riccarda Caputo, Pierre Villars. A comprehensive data network for data-driven study of battery materials. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 25 [1] (2024) 2403328 10.1080/14686996.2024.2403328 Open Access
- Yen-Ju Wu, Lei Fang, Yibin Xu. Predicting interfacial thermal resistance by machine learning. npj Computational Materials. 5 [1] (2019) 10.1038/s41524-019-0193-0 Open Access
- Yen-Ju Wu, Michiko Sasaki, Masahiro Goto, Lie Fang, Yibin Xu. Electrically Conductive Thermally Insulating Bi–Si Nanocomposites by Interface Design for Thermal Management. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 1 [7] (2018) 3355-3363 10.1021/acsanm.8b00575 Open Access
- Tianzhuo Zhan, Lei Fang, Yibin Xu. Prediction of thermal boundary resistance by the machine learning method. Scientific Reports. 7 [1] (2017) 7109 10.1038/s41598-017-07150-7 Open Access
書籍 TSV
会議録 TSV
- XU, Yibin, FANG, Lei, EMURA, Satoshi, Donald S. Shih. Decision Tree Data Mining in Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Development. The 5th Asian Materials Data Symposium Proceedings. (2016) 238-241
口頭発表 TSV
- 徐 一斌, 方 蕾, ウー イェン ルー, 張 美斉, 新井 正男. Liイオン伝導体のデータ駆動探索. 第65回電池討論会. 2024
- XU, Yibin, FANG, Lei, WU, Yen-Ju, ZHANG, Meiqi, KOYAMA, Yukinori, ARAI, Masao. Data-driven Exploration for Li Ionic Conductor. The 8th Asian Materials Data Symposium. 2024 招待講演
- XU, Yibin, WU, Yen-Ju, ARAI, Masao, LI, Huiping, FANG, Lei, 林 繁信, OISHI, Ayako, SAKISHITA, Yuki, 清水 奈津子. Development of Fundamental Technologies for Data-Driven Battery Material Exploration. NIMS Award Symposium 2024. 2024
- XU, Yibin, WU, Yen-Ju, LI, Huiping, FANG, Lei. Development of a Data Network for Battery Materials. IWAMSN 2024. 2024
- SAKAUSHI, Ken, FANG, Lei, PENG, Wenqin, 林 繁信, XU, Yibin. Curated Literature Data versus High-Quality Experimental Data: A Consideration on Handling Electrochemical Data with Divergent Characteristics for Artificial Intelligence based Efficient Discovery of Promising Water-Splitting Electrocatalysts. Data-driven discovery in the chemical sciences Faraday Discussion. 2024 招待講演
- XU, Yibin, FANG, Lei, WU, Yen-Ju. Application of Materials Data Extracted from Literature. The 7th Asian Materials Data Symposium. 2023 招待講演
- WU, Yen-Ju, SASAKI, Michiko, GOTO, Masahiro, FANG, Lei, XU, Yibin. Machine Learning Driven Development for Thermal Insulating Thin Film. AMDS 2019. 2019
- FUJITA, Erina, BABA, Tetsuya, 和泉 寿範, FANG, Lei, 坂入 雄大, XU, Yibin. Specific Heat Prediction on the Web. The 6th Asian Materials Data Symposium. 2019
- XU, Yibin, WU, Yen-Ju, GOTO, Masahiro, SASAKI, Michiko, FANG, Lei. Development of Ultra Low Thermal Conductivity Nano-composite by Interface Design. さきがけマテリアルズインフォマティクス領域 国際シンポジウム. 2019
- 徐 一斌, ウー イェン ルー, 方 蕾, 佐々木 道子, 後藤 真宏. 機械学習を用いた極小熱伝導率を有する断熱薄膜の設計と開発. SATテクノロジー・ショーケース 2019. 2019 招待講演
- WU, Yen-Ju, XU, Yibin, SASAKI, Michiko, GOTO, Masahiro, FANG, Lei. Thermal Insulating Thin Film with High Thermal Interfacial Resistance Design by Machine Learning. TIAかけはし”ポスター交流会2018「-計算と計測のデータ同化による革新的物質材料解析手法の調査-」. 2018
- ウー イェン ルー, 徐 一斌, 佐々木 道子, 後藤 真宏, 方 蕾. Thermal Insulating Nanostructure with Designed Bi/Si Interface through Machine Learning Prediction. 2018 E-MRS Spring Meeting. 2018
- WU, Yen-Ju, XU, Yibin, FANG, Lei. The Thermal Boundary Resistance Prediction by Data Mining Approach. 第38回熱物性シンポジウム. 2017
- 徐 一斌, 方 蕾, ウー イェン ルー. 実験・計算・データアプローチからの界面熱抵抗研究. 第38回熱物性シンポジウム. 2017
- 徐 一斌, ジャン テンゾウ, 方 蕾, ウー イェン ルー. A DATA APPROCH TO PREDIC INTERFACIAL THERMAL RESISITANCE OF MATERIALS. European Conference on Thermophysical Properties 2017. 2017
- ウー イェン ルー, 徐 一斌, Zhan, 方 蕾. マテリアルズ・インフォマティクスによるナノ多層系の伝熱制御. European Conference on Thermophysical Properties 2017. 2017
- 方 蕾, 徐 一斌, ジャン テンゾウ, ウー イェン ルー. Machine Learning for Thermal Boundary Resistance Prediction . 日本金属学会 2017年秋期大会. 2017
- ウー イェン ルー, 徐 一斌, Zhan, 方 蕾. 界面熱抵抗の予測および設計のための記述子について. IUMRS-ICAM 2017. 2017
その他の文献 TSV
- XU, Yibin, FANG, Lei, EMURA, Satoshi, Donald S. Shih. Decision Tree Data Mining in Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Development. The 5th Asian Materials Data Symposium Proceedings. (2016) 238-241