HOME > Profile > KITASHIMA, Tomonori
- Address
- 305-0047 1-2-1 Sengen Tsukuba Ibaraki JAPAN [Access]
Accepting Students
External affiliations
- Professor, Department of Materials, Kyushu University (from April 1st, 2024)
- Selected Ph.D. candidates can receive financial supports for three years as a NIMS Junior Researcher during their Ph.D. course. Apply for a NIMS Junior Researcher!
- https://www.nims.go.jp/kyushu/en/junior/
- Keywords
titanium alloy, superalloy, microstructure control, single crystal, laser powder bed fusion, phase transformation/precipitation, texture formation, oxidation
3D Printing Nickel Single Crystals Using Laser Additive Manufacturing Technology
We have succeeded in fabricating single crystals using a flat-top laser beam in laser powder bed fusion, forming a flat melt pool surface on the nickel powders. Individual crystalline grains grew in the same direction with fewer strain-inducing defects. Single crystals without grain boundaries, which are susceptible to cracking, are strong at high temperatures. This new technique allows to minimize strain generation and cracking of crystals during their solidification. In addition, this technique does not require the use of seed crystals, simplifying additive manufacturing processes.
[Latest NEWS]
The 11th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology (IWAMSN) 2024 (22-25 September, Da Nang, Vietnam)
Invited presentation regarding the single-crystal-structure fabrication of metals in LPBF.
Alloys for Additive Manufacturing Symposium (AAMS) 2024 (4-6 September, Palaiseau, France)
Oral presentation regarding the single-crystal-structure fabrication and unique variant selection of Ti-6246 in LPBF.
TMS 2024 (3–7 March 2024, Florida, USA)
I made two oral presentations regarding the single crystal growth in LPBF.
THERMEC' 2023 (2–7 July 2023, Vienna, Austria)
I chaired a session of [Additive Manufacturing].
I made two presentations (one is invited).
Ti-2023 (12–16 June 2023, Edinburgh, UK)
I chaired a session of [Aerospace Applications].
I made two oral presentations.
TMS 2023 (19–23 March 2023, San Diego, USA)
We made three presentations.
[Selected Articles!]
NEW! Fabricating a single-crystal-like beta grain structure of a near-beta Ti alloy with unique variant selection by laser powder bed fusion
T. Kitashima, T. Hiroto, D.E. Jodi, M. Watanabe, Materials & Design,
Vol. 243, (2024) 113039.(Click and open)
Effect of scan strategy on the formation of a pure nickel single-crystal structure using a flat-top laser beam via laser powder bed fusion
D. E. Jodi, T. Kitashima, M. Watanabe, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials,
Vol. 24, (1), (2023) 2201380.(Click and open)
High-temperature microstructural stability of pure Ni fabricated by laser powder bed fusion using Gaussian and flat-top beam profiles
D. E. Jodi, T. Kitashima, A. Singh, M. Watanabe, Materials Characterization, Vol. 200 (2023) 112897.(Click and open)
PublicationsNIMS affiliated publications since 2004.
Research papers
- Dennis Edgard Jodi, Tomonori Kitashima, Yuichiro Koizumi, Takayoshi Nakano, Makoto Watanabe. Manufacturing single crystals of pure nickel via selective laser melting with a flat-top laser beam. Additive Manufacturing Letters. 3 (2022) 100066 10.1016/j.addlet.2022.100066 Open Access
- Tomonori Kitashima, Takanobu Hiroto, Dennis Edgard Jodi, Makoto Watanabe. Fabricating a single-crystal-like β grain structure of a near-β Ti alloy with unique variant selection by laser powder bed fusion. Materials & Design. 243 (2024) 113039 10.1016/j.matdes.2024.113039 Open Access
- T. Kitashima, H. Harada. A new phase-field method for simulating gamma-prime precipitation in multi-component nickel-base superalloys. Acta Materialia. 57 [6] (2009) 2020-2028 10.1016/j.actamat.2009.01.006
- 北嶋 具教, ジョディ デニス エドガード, 渡邊 誠. フラットトップレーザ粉末床溶融結合法におけるニッケル単結晶の造形に不可欠なレーザスキャンストラテジー. 第51回日本ガスタービン学会定期講演会講演論文集. n/a (2023) A-15
- Tomonori Kitashima. Thermodynamic analysis of the effect of alloying elements on stacking fault energy in ruthenium-bearing nickel alloys. ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH. (2015) 580-584 10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.1119.580
- KITASHIMA, Tomonori, PING, De-hai, HARADA, Hiroshi, KOBAYASHI, Toshiharu. Atom Probe microanalysis of fifth-generation nickel-base singlecrystal superalloys. Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 2006. () 495
- KITASHIMA, Tomonori, HIRAGA, Tomoki, JODI, Dennis Edgard, KAWAGISHI, Kyoko, DEMURA, Masahiko, 日比野 真也, 中野 貴由, WATANABE, Makoto. Development of a γ’-strengthened Ni-base superalloy for laser powder bed fusion. TMS 2023 Annual Meeting. 2023
- KITASHIMA, Tomonori. Fabrication of a nickel single-crystal structure by controlling melt pool geometry in laser powder fusion with a flat-top laser beam. Thermec' 2023: International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS. 2023 Invited
- 北嶋 具教. Development of oxidation-resistant high temperature Ti alloys . Gordon Research Conference on High Temperature Corrosion. 2017 Invited
- 北嶋 具教. ニッケル単結晶のレーザ積層造形. 金属. 93 [7] (2023) 561-567
- 北嶋 具教. レーザ3Dプリンタによるニッケル単結晶の造形法開発. 光アライアンス. 34 [6] (2023) 7-10
- 北嶋 具教. Numerical analysis of the stacking fault energy in a narrow γ channel of a Ru-bearing Ni-base superalloy. Proceedings of The 1st International Conference on 123HiMAT-2015. (2016) 285-288
Published patent applications
- ニッケル基超合金、ニッケル基超合金粉末および造形体の製造方法 (2024)
- 高温耐久性に優れた耐熱部材 (2008)
- Ni基単結晶超合金とこれを基材とする合金部材 (2010)
Society memberships
Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Japan Institute of Metals and Materials (JIMM), The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ), Japan Institute of Light Metals (JILM), Japan Titanium Society (JTS), Gas Turbine Society of Japan (GTSJ)
Research Center for Structural Materials
Novelty and originality
● レーザ粉末積層造形による金属材料の単結晶化と集合組織制御
● 熱処理による積層造形材の析出物形態とバリアント選択の制御
● レーザ粉末積層造形による高強度合金の創出
● 金属材料の高温変形時のミクロ組織形成と集合組織形成の制御
● 高温酸化における酸化物形成と酸素固溶の数値シミュレーション