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ホイスラー合金 Ni-Fe-Ga-Coの硬X線光電子分光を用いたマルテンサイト機構の解明
(Elucidation of the martensitic phase transition mechanism using hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy for the Heusler alloy Ni-Fe-Ga-Co)

K. Sumida, K. Shirai, S. Zhu, M. Taniguchi, M. Ye, 上田 茂典, Y. Takeda, Y. Saitoh, I. Rodriguez, J. M. Barandiaran, V. A. Chernenko, A. Kimura.
日本物理学会第69回年次大会. March 27, 2014-March 30, 2014.

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    Created at: 2017-01-08 04:19:24 +0900Updated at: 2017-07-10 21:48:18 +0900

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