HOME > Presentation > DetailElectrical Resistance Response of a Zno Single-Crystalline Substrate to Trace Ethanol Under Pulsed Air Jet Irradiation鈴木 拓, 安達 裕, 大垣 武, 坂口 勲. AVS 67th international symposium & exhibition. October 25, 2021-October 28, 2021.NIMS author(s)SUZUKI, TakuADACHI, YutakaOGAKI, TakeshiSAKAGUCHI, IsaoFulltext and dataset(s) on Materials Data Repository (MDR)Created at: 2021-12-11 03:39:39 +0900Updated at: 2021-12-11 03:39:39 +0900