HOME > Presentation > DetailStructural-Microstructural Characteristics and its Correlations with the Superconducting Properties of in-situ PIT Processed MgB2 Tapes with Ethyltoulene and SiC Powder added.アスタナ アンジャヤ, 松本 明善, 北口 仁, 松井 良夫, 熊倉 浩明. APS March Meeting 2008. March 10, 2008-March 14, 2008.NIMS author(s)MATSUMOTO, AkiyoshiKITAGUCHI, HitoshiMATSUI, YoshioFulltext and dataset(s) on Materials Data Repository (MDR)Created at: 2017-01-08 03:31:56 +0900Updated at: 2017-07-10 20:10:13 +0900