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Electronic state analysis of ultra-thin Cu film on FeCo/MgO(100)

竹澤 伸吾, 髙瀨 颯一, 石川 大地, 大澤 俊郎, 後藤 陸, SAKURABA, Yuya, TSUDA, Shunsuke, YAJI, Koichiro, 福 健太郎, 今村 真幸, 小嗣 真人, NAGAMURA, Naoka.
10th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-10). October 20, 2024-October 24, 2024.

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    Created at: 2024-12-04 03:17:43 +0900Updated at: 2024-12-04 03:17:43 +0900

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