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(Structure of high-temperature liquid oxides revealed by quantum beam diffraction measurements, themophysical properties measurements and advanced computer simulations)

小原 真司, 小野寺 陽平, 田原 周太, 小山 千尋, 田丸晴香, 増野 敦信, 岡田純平, 水野章敏, 織田裕久, 渡邊勇基, 仲田由依, 尾原幸治, 石川毅彦, 坂田 修身.
IUMRS ICA 2018. October 31, 2018-November 02, 2018. Invited

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    Created at: 2018-09-07 16:20:44 +0900Updated at: 2024-03-05 12:20:46 +0900

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