1004件の論文が見つかりました。論文は出版年月日順に表示しています。(ヘルプ) | |
Hiromitsu TAKABA, ENDOU Akira, YAMADA Aruba, KUBO Momoji, TERAISHI Kazuo, NAKAMURA Kazutaka G., ISHIOKA, Kunie, KITAJIMA, Masahiro, MIYAMOTO Akira, Hiromitsu Takaba, Akira Endou, Aruba Yamada, Momoji Kubo, Kazuo Teraishi, Kazutaka G. Nakamura, Kunie Ishioka, Masahiro Kitajima, Akira Miyamoto. Tight-Binding Molecular dynamics Study of Hydrogen molecule Inside Silicon Crystal. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 39 [Part 1, No. 5A] (2000) 2744-2747 10.1143/jjap.39.2744 | |
Z-C.DONG, FUJITA, Daisuke, T.Ohgi, T.Yakabe, H.Nejoh. STM Induced Photon Emission Prom Single Molewles on Cu(100). Japanese Journal of Applied Physics . (1999) | |
間野高明, 渡辺克之, 塚本史郎, 尾嶋正治, 藤岡洋, KOGUCHI, Nobuyuki. New self-Organized Growth method for IaGaAs Quintam Dots on GaAs(001) Vsing Droplet Editaxy. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part2 (JJAP). (1999) | |
OHASHI, Naoki, 中田智一, SEKIGUCHI, Takashi, 細野秀雄, 水口雅史, 鶴見敬章, 田中順三, HANEDA, Hajime. Yellow emission from zinc oxide giving an electron spin resonance signal at g=1.96. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1999) 113 | |
畑野秀樹, 山路崇, 田中覚, 古川保典, 北村健二. Investigation of oxidation state of Fe in stoichiometric Fe:LiNbO3 for digital holographic recording. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1999) | |
MITOME, Masanori, BANDO, Yoshio, WATANABE, Akio, KURASHIMA, Keiji, 北見喜三, 北見喜三. High-resolution observation of SrTiO3 interface by convergent beam illumination. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 38 [10] (1999) 6138-6141 | |
寺地徳之, 小泉, 三田清二, 澤邊厚仁, KANDA, Hisao, 寺地徳之, 小泉, 三田清二, 澤邊厚仁. Electrical contacts for n-type diamond. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS. 38 (1999) | |
KITAZAWA, Hideaki, ABE, Hideki, 木戸義勇, 石川義和, Andreas Donni, 唐 捷. Magnetic properties of geometrically frustrated system RPdAl(R=Ce and Pr). The Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP). (1998) 227-229 | |
関口象一, 藤本正之, 姜敏求, KOIZUMI, Satoshi, 趙晟伯, 田中順三. Structure analysis of SrTio3(111)polar surfaces. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1998) 4140-4143 | |
内田正哉, 堀内繁雄. New approximant of twelvefold quasicrystal in Ta-Te:Electron diffraction study. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1998) | |