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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2025年02月13日

  • Julian M. Rosalie, Hidetoshi Somekawa, Alok Singh, Toshiji Mukai. Structural relationships among MgZn2and Mg4Zn7phases and transition structures in Mg-Zn-Y alloys. Philosophical Magazine. 90 [24] (2010) 3355-3374 10.1080/14786435.2010.484659
  • H. Li, F. Yin, T. Sawaguchi, K. Ogawa, X. Zhao, K. Tsuzaki. TEM observation of the restrained Goss–Brass orientation transformation in a warm-rolled Fe–28Mn–6Si–5Cr shape memory alloy. Philosophical Magazine Letters. 89 [5] (2009) 348-357 10.1080/09500830902902176
  • Chiharu Kanno, Toshiyuki Fujii, OHTSUKA, Hideyuki, Susumu Onaka, Masaharu Kato. Effects of magnetic field on shape evolution of Fe-Co particles in a Cu materix. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE. 89 [11] (2009) 747-759
  • A. Belyakov, K. Tsuzaki, Y. Kimura, Y. Mishima. Tensile behaviour of submicrocrystalline ferrite steel processed by large-stain deformation. Philosophical Magazine Letters. 89 [3] (2009) 201-212 10.1080/09500830902748298
  • H. Somekawa, A. Singh, T. Mukai. Fracture mechanism of a coarse-grained magnesium alloy during the fracture toughness testing. Philosophical Magazine Letters. 89 [1] (2009) 2-10 10.1080/09500830802537718
  • M. Mihalkovič, S. Francoual, K. Shibata, M. De Boissieu, A.Q.R. Baron, Y. Sidis, T. Ishimasa, D. Wu, T. Lograsso, L. -Pierre Regnault, F. Gähler, S. Tsutsui, B. Hennion, P. Bastie, T.J. Sato, H. Takakura, R. Currat, A.-P. Tsai. Atomic dynamics of i-ScZnMg and its 1/1 approximant phase: Experiment and simulation. Philosophical Magazine. 88 [13-15] (2008) 2311-2318 10.1080/14786430802077909
  • J. Buha, R. N. Lumley, A. G. Crosky. Precipitation and solute distribution in an interrupted-aged Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloy. Philosophical Magazine. 88 [3] (2008) 373-390 10.1080/14786430701847949
  • M. Fukuhara, T. Wada, A. Inoue, F. Yin. Low-temperature dependence of elastic moduli and internal friction for glassy Pd42.5Ni7.5Cu30P20. Philosophical Magazine Letters. 88 [5] (2008) 335-342 10.1080/09500830801976644
  • Tomonori Kitashima. Coupling of the phase-field and CALPHAD methods for predicting multicomponent, solid-state phase transformations. Philosophical Magazine. 88 [11] (2008) 1615-1637 10.1080/14786430802243857
  • A. Ishida, M. Sato. Shape memory behavior of annealed Ti48.5Ni(51.5-x)Cux (x=6.2-33.5) thin films. Philosophical Magazine. 88 [16] (2008) 2439-2448 10.1080/14786430802350702
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