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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2024年10月09日

  • Shaoqin Liu, Dirk Volkmer, Dirk G. Kurth. Smart polyoxometalate-based nitrogen monoxide sensors. Analytical Chemistry. 76 [15] (2004) 4579-4582 10.1021/ac0495283
  • Satoshi Ozawa, Kokichi Sugano, Tsuyoshi Sonehara, Shin'ichi Fukuzono, Akira Ichikawa, Noriko Fukayama, Mariko Taylor, Yuji Miyahara, Takashi Irie. High resolution for single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis by capillary electrophoresis. Analytical Chemistry. 76 [20] (2004) 6122-6129 10.1021/ac049385k
  • Noritada Kaji, Yojiro Tezuka, Yuzuru Takamura, Masanori Ueda, Takahiro Nishimoto, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Yasuhiro Horiike, Yoshinobu Baba. Separation of Long DNA Molecules by Quartz Nanopillar Chips under a Direct Current Electric Field. Analytical Chemistry. 76 [1] (2004) 15-22 10.1021/ac030303m
  • Kazumichi Ban, Takeshi Ueki, Yoshinori Tamada, Takahiro Saito, Shin-ichiro Imabayashi, Masayoshi Watanabe. Electrical Communication between Glucose Oxidase and Electrodes Mediated by Phenothiazine-Labeled Poly(ethylene oxide) Bonded to Lysine Residues on the Enzyme Surface. Analytical Chemistry. 75 [4] (2003) 910-917 10.1021/ac025872t
  • Tohru Awane, Takashi Kimura, Kenji Nishida, Nobuhiro Ishikawa, Shigeo Tanuma, Morihiko Nakamura. Grazing Exit Electron Probe Microanalysis of Submicron Inclusions in Metallic Materials. Analytical Chemistry. 75 [15] (2003) 3831-3836 10.1021/ac020740l
  • Kenji Sakurai, Hiromi Eba. Micro X-ray fluorescence imaging without scans:Towards element-selective movie. Analytical Chemistry. 75 [2] (2003) 355-359 10.1021/ac025793h
  • Kenji Sakurai, Hiromi Eba, Katsuaki Inoue, Naoto Yagi. Wavelength-dispersive total-reflection X-ray fluorescence with an efficient Johansson spectrometer and an undulator X-ray source. Analytical Chemistry. 74 [17] (2002) 4532-4535 10.1021/ac025720y
  • EBA, Hiromi, 沼子千弥, 飯原順次, 桜井健次. Trace chemical characterization using monochromatic X-ray undulator radiation. Analytical Chemistry. (2000)
  • Sinji Itoh, 五十嵐淑郎, 内藤久仁茂, 長谷川良佑, Hitoshi Yamaguchi, Shukuro Igarashi, Kunishige Naitoh, Ryosuke Hasegawa. Application of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis for the Determination of Trace Metals in a High-Purity Copper. Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 362 [4] (1998) 395-398 10.1007/s002160051092
  • 斎藤守正, Morimasa Saito. Effect of Ar/H2 and Kr/H2 Gas Mixture as Discharge Gas on the Ion Intensity in Dc Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry.. Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 357 [1] (1997) 18-21 10.1007/s002160050103
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