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Zhenhua Bai, Hong-Tao Sun, Takashi Hasegawa, Minoru Fujii, Fumiaki Shimaoka, Yuji Miwa, Minoru Mizuhata, Shinji Hayashi. Efficient near-infrared luminescence and energy transfer in erbium/bismuth codoped zeolites. Optics Letters. 35 [11] (2010) 1926 10.1364/ol.35.001926 | |
Hong-Tao Sun, Fumiaki Shimaoka, Yuji Miwa, Jian Ruan, Minoru Fujii, Jianrong Qiu, Shinji Hayashi. Sensitized superbroadband near-IR emission in bismuth glass/Si nanocrystal superlattices. Optics Letters. 35 [13] (2010) 2215 10.1364/ol.35.002215 | |
Hong-Tao Sun, Minoru Fujii, Yoshio Sakka, Zhenhua Bai, Naoto Shirahata, Liyan Zhang, Yuji Miwa, Hong Gao. Near-infrared photoluminescence and Raman characterization of bismuth-embedded sodalite nanocrystals. Optics Letters. 35 [11] (2010) 1743 10.1364/ol.35.001743 | |
Masanobu Iwanaga. Subwavelength orthogonal polarization rotator. Optics Letters. 35 [2] (2010) 109 10.1364/ol.35.000109 | |
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Satoshi Kishimoto, Yoshihisa Tanaka, Toru Tomimatsu, Yutaka Kagawa, Kotobu Nagai. Fabrication of micro-grid for various Moire methods by femto-second laser exposure. Optics Letters. 34 [1] (2009) 112 10.1364/ol.34.000112 | |
Onur Kuzucu, Franco N. C. Wong, Sunao Kurimura, Sergey Tovstonog. Time-resolved single-photon detection by femtosecond upconversion. Optics Letters. 33 [19] (2008) 2257 10.1364/ol.33.002257 | |
Tadashi Mitsui, Yutaka Wakayama, Tsunenobu Onodera, Yosuke Takaya, Hidetoshi Oikawa. Observation of light propagation across a 90。�corner in chains of microspheres on a patterned substrate. Optics Letters. 33 [11] (2008) 1189 10.1364/ol.33.001189 | |
W. B. Cho, K. Kim, H. Lim, J. Lee, S. Kurimura, F. Rotermund. Multikilohertz optical parametric chirped pulse amplification in periodically poled stoichiometric LiTaO3 at 1235 nm. Optics Letters. 32 [19] (2007) 2828 10.1364/ol.32.002828 | |