機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。
最終更新日: 2024年09月08日
34件の論文が見つかりました。論文は出版年月日順に表示しています。(ヘルプ) | |
貫井昭彦, O.W.Flovke. Three tridymite structural modifications and cristobalite intergrown in one crystal. American Mineralogist. (1987) 167 | |
平井寿子, 中沢弘基. Visualizing low symmetry of a grandite garnet on precession photographs. The American Mineralogist. (1986) 1210 | |
平井寿子, 中沢弘基. Grandite garnet from Nevada-Confirmation of origin of iridescence by electron microscopy and interpretation of a moire-like text. American Mineralogist. (1986) 123 | |
平井寿子, 末野重穂, 中沢弘基. A lamellar texture with chemical contrast in grandite garnet from Nevada. American Mineralogist. (1982) 1242 | |
中沢弘基, 平井寿子, 末野重穂. Exsolution lamellar in a grandite garnet. The American Mineralogist. (1981) | |
貫井昭彦, 山岡信夫, 中沢弘基. Pressure-induced phase transitions in tridymite. The American Mineralogist. (1980) 1283 | |
岡村富士夫, J.K.Winter, S.Ghose. . American Mineralogist. (1979) 409-423 | |
貫井昭彦, 中沢弘基, 赤尾勝. Thermal Changes in Monoclinic Tridymite. The American Mineralogist. (1978) 1252 | |
John K.Winter, Subrata Ghose, 岡村富士夫. A high-temperature study of the thermal expansion and the anisotropy of the sodium atom in low albite. American Mineralogist. (1977) 921 | |
中沢弘基, S.S.Hafner. Orientation relationships of augite exsolution lamellar in pigeonite hosts. American Mineralogist. (1977) 79 | |