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最終更新日: 2025年02月14日
286件の論文が見つかりました。論文は出版年月日順に表示しています。(ヘルプ) | |
TAKEMURA, Kenichi, YUSA, Hitoshi, M.I.Eremets, N.V.Chandra Shekar. Materials synthesis at high pressures in the laserheated diamond-anvil cell. European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry. (1997) 657-668 | |
SEKINE, Toshimori. Shock wave chemical synthesis. European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry. (1997) 823-833 | |
佐々木高義, 小松優, 藤木良規. Rb+ and Cs+ Incorporation Mechanism and Hydrate Structures of Layered Hydrous Titanium Dioxide. Inorganic Chemistry. (1989) 2776 | |
佐々木高義, 渡辺遵, 小松優, 藤木良規. Layered Hydrous Titanium Dioxide : Potassium Ion Exchange and Structural Characterization. Inorganic Chemistry. (1985) 2265 | |
君塚昇, AKAHANE, Takashi, 松本精一郎, 雪野健. Synthesis and some Crystal data of HxReO3(X=0.5). American Chemical Society ,Inorganic Chemistry to be determined. (1976) 3178 | |
山岡信夫, J.T.Lemley, J.M.Jenks, H.Steinfink. Structural Chemistry of the Polysulfides Ba2S3 and BaS3. Inorganic Chemistry. (1975) 129 | |