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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2024年11月02日

  • Hiroyuki Yamase, Matías Bejas, Andrés Greco. Retaining Landau quasiparticles in the presence of realistic charge fluctuations in cuprates. Physical Review B. 109 [10] (2024) 104515 10.1103/physrevb.109.104515
  • Muhammad Zafur, Hiroyuki Yamase. Spin and bond-charge excitation spectra in correlated electron systems near an antiferromagnetic phase. Physical Review B. 109 [24] (2024) 245127 10.1103/physrevb.109.245127
  • M. Bejas, V. Zimmermann, D. Betto, T. D. Boyko, R. J. Green, T. Loew, N. B. Brookes, G. Cristiani, G. Logvenov, M. Minola, B. Keimer, H. Yamase, A. Greco, M. Hepting. Plasmon dispersion in bilayer cuprate superconductors. Physical Review B. 109 [14] (2024) 144516 10.1103/physrevb.109.144516 Open Access
  • Nitipriya Tripathi, Shrawan K. Mishra, Yoshio Miura, Shinji Isogami. Impact of nitrogen on the charge-to-spin conversion efficiency in antiferromagnetic Mn3PtN compared to Mn3Pt thin films. Physical Review B. 109 [22] (2024) 224406 10.1103/physrevb.109.224406 Open Access
  • Noriki Terada, Dmitry D. Khalyavin, Pascal Manuel, Shinichiro Asai, Takatsugu Masuda, Hiraku Saito, Taro Nakajima, Toyotaka Osakabe. Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering experiments under high pressure in the frustrated antiferromagnet CuFeO2. Physical Review B. 110 [2] (2024) 024406 10.1103/physrevb.110.024406 Open Access
  • Masanori Kohno. Emergence and evolution of electronic modes with temperature in spin-gapped Mott and Kondo insulators. Physical Review B. 110 [3] (2024) 035123 10.1103/physrevb.110.035123 Open Access
  • Yuto Fukushima, Kaishu Kawaguchi, Kenta Kuroda, Masayuki Ochi, Motoaki Hirayama, Ryo Mori, Hiroaki Tanaka, Ayumi Harasawa, Takushi Iimori, Zhigang Zhao, Shuntaro Tani, Koichiro Yaji, Shik Shin, Fumio Komori, Yohei Kobayashi, Takeshi Kondo. Spin-polarized saddle points in the topological surface states of elemental bismuth revealed by pump-probe spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Physical Review B. 110 [4] (2024) L041401 10.1103/physrevb.110.l041401 Open Access
  • H. Tamatsukuri, Y. Murakami, N. Saito, N. Ohashi, S. Tsutsui. Lattice dynamics of CH(NH2)2PbI3 and CH(NH2)2SnI3 investigated by inelastic x-ray scattering and comparison of their elastic properties. Physical Review B. 110 [2] (2024) 024301 10.1103/physrevb.110.024301 Open Access
  • Giacomo Tenti, Kousuke Nakano, Andrea Tirelli, Sandro Sorella, Michele Casula. Principal deuterium Hugoniot via quantum Monte Carlo and Δ -learning. Physical Review B. 110 [4] (2024) L041107 10.1103/physrevb.110.l041107 Open Access
  • I. Yahniuk, M. Hild, L. E. Golub, J. Amann, J. Eroms, D. Weiss, Wun-Hao Kang, Ming-Hao Liu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S. D. Ganichev. Terahertz ratchet in graphene two-dimensional metamaterial formed by a patterned gate with an antidot array. Physical Review B. 109 [23] (2024) 235428 10.1103/physrevb.109.235428
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