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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2025年02月09日

  • Wenqi Mao, Si Gao, Yu Bai, Myeong-heom Park, Akinobu Shibata, Nobuhiro Tsuji. Effective grain size refinement of an Fe-24Ni-0.3C metastable austenitic steel by a modified two-step cold rolling and annealing process utilizing the deformation-induced martensitic transformation and its reverse transformation. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 17 (2022) 2690-2700 10.1016/j.jmrt.2022.02.031 Open Access
  • Mingze He, Lucas Lindsay, Thomas E. Beechem, Thomas Folland, Joseph Matson, Kenji Watanabe, Andrey Zavalin, Akira Ueda, Warren. E. Collins, Takashi Taniguchi, Joshua D. Caldwell. Phonon engineering of boron nitride via isotopic enrichment. Journal of Materials Research. 36 [21] (2021) 4394-4403 10.1557/s43578-021-00426-9
  • Nozomu Adachi, Takuya Suzuki, Takahito Ohmura, Yoshikazu Todaka. Analytical approach for pop-in and post-pop-in deformation behavior during nanoindentation: effect of solute Si in interstitial free steel. Journal of Materials Research. 36 [12] (2021) 2571-2581 10.1557/s43578-021-00136-2
  • Meiting Li, Xuejiao Wang, Qi Zhu, Ji-Guang Li, Byung-Nam Kim. Hydrothermal synthesis of K+/Na+ codoped ZnWO4:Yb3+,Tm3+ nanophosphor for greatly enhanced NIR up-conversion luminescence. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 12 (2021) 117-124 10.1016/j.jmrt.2021.02.072 Open Access
  • Haining Wu, Qi Zhu, Xudong Sun, Ji-Guang Li. Regulating anti-site defects in MgGa2O4:Mn4+ through Mg2+/Ge4+ doping to greatly enhance broadband red emission for plant cultivation. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 13 (2021) 1-12 10.1016/j.jmrt.2021.04.045 Open Access
  • Sai Huang, Xuejiao Wang, Qi Zhu, Xiaodong Li, Ji-Guang Li, Xudong Sun. Systematic synthesis of REVO4 micro/nano crystals with selective exposure of high energy {001} facets and luminescence (RE = Lanthanide and Y0.95Eu0.05). Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 9 [6] (2020) 12547-12558 10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.09.006 Open Access
  • Xuejiao Wang, Panpan Du, Weigang Liu, Sai Huang, Zhipeng Hu, Qiushi Wang, Ji-Guang Li. Organic-free direct crystallization of t-LaVO4:Eu nanocrystals with favorable luminescence for LED lighting and optical thermometry. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 9 [6] (2020) 13264-13273 10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.09.057 Open Access
  • Xuejiao Wang, Zhipeng Hu, Meng Sun, Panpan Du, Weigang Liu, Sai Huang, Ji-Guang Li. Phase-conversion synthesis of LaF3:Yb/RE (RE = Ho, Er) nanocrystals with Ln2(OH)4SO4·2H2O type layered compound as a new template, phase/morphology evolution, and upconversion luminescence. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 9 [5] (2020) 10659-10668 10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.07.069 Open Access
  • Junfeng Zou, Qi Zhu, Xudong Sun, Ji-Guang Li. Morphological control of t-REPO4 (RE = Ho-Lu and Y) via solvothermal reaction and investigation of down-/up-conversion photoluminescence. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 9 [6] (2020) 12052-12064 10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.08.103 Open Access
  • D.R.N. Correa, L.A. Rocha, T.A.G. Donato, K.S.J. Sousa, C.R. Grandini, C.R.M. Afonso, H. Doi, Y. Tsutsumi, T. Hanawa. On the mechanical biocompatibility of Ti-15Zr-based alloys for potential use as load-bearing implants. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 9 [2] (2020) 1241-1250 10.1016/j.jmrt.2019.11.051 Open Access
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