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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2025年01月20日

  • Jun Nara, Shin’ichi Higai, Yoshitada Morikawa, Takahisa Ohno. Density functional theory investigation of benzenethiol adsorption on Au(111). The Journal of Chemical Physics. 120 [14] (2004) 6705-6711 10.1063/1.1651064
  • Shin’ichi Higai, Jun Nara, Takahisa Ohno. Tail molecule dependence of thiolate adsorption on Au(111) surface: Theoretical study. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 [2] (2004) 970-972 10.1063/1.1760736
  • F. F. Xu, Y. Bando, D. Golberg, R. Z. Ma, Y. B. Li, C. C. Tang. Elastic deformation of helical-conical boron nitride nanotubes. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 119 [6] (2003) 3436-3440 10.1063/1.1589738
  • R. Souda, H. Kawanowa, M. Kondo, Y. Gotoh. Hydrogen bonding between water and methanol studied by temperature-programmed time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 119 [12] (2003) 6194-6200 10.1063/1.1602055
  • Martin Oehzelt, Georg Heimel, Roland Resel, Peter Puschnig, Kerstin Hummer, Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl, Kenichi Takemura, Atsuko Nakayama. High pressure x-ray study on anthracene. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 119 [2] (2003) 1078-1084 10.1063/1.1578994
  • Ryutaro Souda. Temperature-programmed time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry study of hydration of ammonia and formic acid adsorbed on . The Journal of Chemical Physics. 119 [5] (2003) 2774-2779 10.1063/1.1587692
  • Oleg A. Louchev, Thomas Laude, Yoichiro Sato, Hisao Kanda. Diffusion-controlled kinetics of carbon nanotube forest growth by chemical vapor deposition. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 118 [16] (2003) 7622 10.1063/1.1562195
  • Atsushi Kubo, Yasuhiro Ishii, Masahiro Kitajima. Abstraction and desorption kinetics in the reaction of H + D/Si(100) and the relation to surface structure. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 117 [24] (2002) 11336-11346 10.1063/1.1522394
  • Z.-W. Deng, R. Souda. Eley-Rideal abstraction of carbon from graphite by hyperthermal N+ ions. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 117 [13] (2002) 6235-6238 10.1063/1.1506145
  • Ryutaro Souda. Electron stimulated solvation and reaction of water, ammonia, and methane in nanoclusters adsorbed on solid Ar substrate. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 117 [13] (2002) 5967-5970 10.1063/1.1510741
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