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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2024年12月09日

  • PING, De-hai, HONO, Kazuhiro, 金清裕和, 広沢哲, 金清裕和, 広沢哲. Mechanism of Grain Size Refinement of Fe3B/Nb2Fe14B Nanocomposite Permanent magnetBy Cu Addition.. Applied Physics Letters (APL). 85 [4] (1999) 2448-2450
  • 高見知秀, 楠勲, 鈴木克典, 羅健平, 蒲生西谷美香, SAKAGUCHI, Isao, TANIGUCHI, Takashi, ANDO, Toshihiro. Two different domains in a cubic boron nitride (111) surface observed by friction force microscopy. Applied Physics Letters. (1998) 2733-2735
  • ロチェフオレグ, 佐藤洋一郎. Nanotubes self-organization: formation by step-flow growth. Journal of Applied Physics Letters. (1998)
  • J.Liu, 浅野清光, 絵面栄二, 稲垣慈見, 諌川秀, 中西弘, 福富勝夫, KOMORI, Kazunori, 斎藤正和. Dependence on the microwave field fo the surface resistance for YBa2Cu3O7-g l/ms fabricated on eapper substrate. Applied Physics Letters. (1998)
  • Yngguo Peng, 石垣隆正, 堀内繁雄. Cubic C3N4 particles prepared in an induction thermal plasma. Applied Physics Letters. (1998)
  • SAKAGUCHI, Isao, 蒲生西谷美香, 羅健平, HISHITA, Shunichi, HANEDA, Hajime, ANDO, Toshihiro. Suppression of surface cracks on (111) homoepitaxial diamond through impurity limitation by oxygen addition. Applied Physics Letters. (1998) 2675-2677
  • W.Han, BANDO, Yoshio, KURASHIMA, Keiji, 佐藤忠夫. Synthesis of boron nitride nanotubes from carbon nanotubes by a substitution reaction. Applied Physics Letters. (1998)
  • D.Golberg, BANDO, Yoshio, O.Stephan, KURASHIMA, Keiji. Octahedral boron nitride fullerenes formed by electron beam irradiation. Applied Physics Letter,in press,publication dete. (1998)
  • G.Golberg, BANDO, Yoshio, KURASHIMA, Keiji, 佐々木高義. Boron-doped carbon fullerenes and nanotubles formed through elecctron irradiation-induced solid-state phase transformation. Applied Physics Letter. (1998)
  • 堀内繁雄, Marco Cantoni, 内田正哉, 鶴田忠正, 松井良夫. Direct observation of the interaction between a vortex lattice and dislocations in a superconducting Nb crystal. Applied Physics Letters. (1998)
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