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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2025年01月13日

  • T. Ozaki, H. Kino. Variationally optimized basis orbitals for biological molecules. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 [22] (2004) 10879 10.1063/1.1794591
  • M. Kondo, H. Kawanowa, Y. Gotoh, R. Souda. Ionization and solvation of HCl adsorbed on the D2O-ice surface. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 [17] (2004) 8589 10.1063/1.1804153
  • Ryutaro Souda. Hydrophobic hydration of alkanes: Its implication for the property of amorphous solid water. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 [18] (2004) 8676-8679 10.1063/1.1814051
  • Kenta Hongo, Ryo Maezono, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Hiroshi Yasuhara, M. D. Towler, R. J. Needs. Interpretation of Hund's multiplicity rule for the carbon atom. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 [15] (2004) 7144-7147 10.1063/1.1795151
  • Shin’ichi Koizumi, Hisato Yasumatsu, Shigeki Otani, Tamotsu Kondow. Low-energy impact of X-(H2O)n (X=Cl,I) onto solid surface. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 [10] (2004) 4833-4838 10.1063/1.1778378
  • T. Miyazaki, D. R. Bowler, R. Choudhury, M. J. Gillan. Atomic force algorithms in density functional theory electronic-structure techniques based on local orbitals. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 [13] (2004) 6186-6194 10.1063/1.1787832
  • Osamu Mishima. The glass-to-liquid transition of the emulsified high-density amorphous icee made by pressure-induced amorphization. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 [7] (2004) 3161-3164 10.1063/1.1774151
  • Jun Nara, W. T. Geng, Hiori Kino, Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Takahisa Ohno. Theoretical investigation on electron transport through an organic molecule: Effect of the contact structure. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 [13] (2004) 6485-6492 10.1063/1.1783251
  • Oleg A. Louchev, Hisao Kanda, Arne Rosén, Kim Bolton. Thermal physics in carbon nanotube growth kinetics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 [1] (2004) 446 10.1063/1.1755662
  • R. Souda, H. Kawanowa, M. Kondo, Y. Gotoh. Interactions of D2O with methane and fluoromethane surfaces. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 120 [12] (2004) 5723-5728 10.1063/1.1650292
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