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最終更新日: 2025年01月13日
152件の論文が見つかりました。論文は出版年月日順に表示しています。(ヘルプ) | |
Shojiro Komatsu, Daisuke Kazami, Hironori Tanaka, Yusuke Moriyoshi, Masaharu Shiratani, Katsuyuki Okada. Fractal growth mechanism of sp3-bonded 5H-BN micro cones by plasma-assisted pulsed-laser chemical vapor deposition. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 125 [8] (2006) 084701 10.1063/1.2336201 | |
Yoshitaka Tateyama, Norihisa Oyama, Takahisa Ohno, Yoshiyuki Miyamoto. Real-time propagation time-dependent density functional theory study on the ring-opening transformation of the photoexcited crystalline benzene. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124 [12] (2006) 124507 10.1063/1.2181139 | |
J. D. Lee. Optical absorption of semiconducting and metallic nanospheres with the confined electron-phonon coupling. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124 [19] (2006) 194706 10.1063/1.2199851 | |
Muhtar Ahart, Jeffery L. Yarger, Kristina M. Lantzky, Satoshi Nakano, Ho-kwang Mao, Russell J. Hemley. High-pressure Brillouin scattering of amorphous BeH2. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124 [1] (2006) 014502 10.1063/1.2138692 | |
Yoshiteru Takagi, Tsuyoshi Uda, Takahisa Ohno. A Theoretical Study for Mechanical Contact between Carbon Nanotubes. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 122 [12] (2005) 124709 10.1063/1.1861882 | |
Osamu Mishima. Application of polyamorphism in water to spontaneous crystallization of emulsified LiCl-H2O solution. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 123 [15] (2005) 154506 10.1063/1.2085144 | |
Ryutaro Souda. A temperature-programmed TOF-SIMS study of intermixing of amorphous ethanol and heavy-water films at 15-200 K. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 122 [13] (2005) 134711 10.1063/1.1869372 | |
Yoshitaka Tateyama, Jochen Blumberger, Michiel Sprik, Ivano Tavernelli. Density-functional molecular-dynamics study of the redox reactions of two anionic, aqueous transition-metal complexes. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 122 [23] (2005) 234505 10.1063/1.1938192 | |
Naoto Umezawa, Shinji Tsuneyuki, Takahisa Ohno, Kenji Shiraishi, Toyohiro Chikyow. A practical treatment for the three-body interactions in the transcorrelated variational Monte Carlo method: Application to atoms from lithium to neon. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 122 [22] (2005) 224101 10.1063/1.1924597 | |
Shigeru Tsukamoto, Tomonobu Nakayama. Mechanisms of Electron Transport through Bellows-Shaped Fullerene Tubes. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 122 [7] (2005) 074702 10.1063/1.1849156 | |