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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2025年02月16日

  • Ryutaro Souda. Interaction of water with LiCl, LiBr, and LiI in the deeply supercooled region. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 127 [21] (2007) 214505 10.1063/1.2802299
  • Osamu Mishima. Phase separation in dilute LiCl-H2O solution related to the polyamorphism of liquid water. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 126 [24] (2007) 244507 10.1063/1.2743434
  • Yohko F. Yano, Kazuo Matsuura, Tetsuo Fukazu, Fusatsugu Abe, Akihiro Wakisaka, Hitomi Kobara, Kazuyuki Kaneko, Atsushi Kumagai, Yoshio Katsuya, Masahiko Tanaka. Small-angle X-ray scattering measurement of a mist of ethanlo nanodroplets: An approach to understanding ultrasonic separation of ethanol-water mixtures. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 127 [3] (2007) 031101 10.1063/1.2754676
  • Yoshitaka Tateyama, Jochen Blumberger, Takahisa Ohno, Michiel Sprik. Free energy calculation of water addition coupled to reduction of aqueous RuO-4 . The Journal of Chemical Physics. 126 [20] (2007) 204506 10.1063/1.2737047
  • Rajendra Prasad, Naoto Umezawa, Dominik Domin, Romelia Salomon-Ferrer, William A. Lester. Quantum Monte Carlo study of first-row atoms using transcorrelated variational Monte Carlo trial functions. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 126 [16] (2007) 164109 10.1063/1.2715581
  • Ryutaro Souda. Liquid-liquid transition in supercooled water investigated by interaction with LiCl and Xe. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 125 [18] (2006) 181103 10.1063/1.2400038
  • Ryutaro Souda. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy analysis of Na adatoms interacting with water-ice film . The Journal of Chemical Physics. 125 [4] (2006) 044706 10.1063/1.2216692
  • Kazuma Tsuboi, Shinya Abe, Shinya Fukuba, Masayuki Shimojo, Miyoko Tanaka, Kazuo Furuya, Katsuhiko Fujita, Kotaro Kajikawa. Second-harmonic spectroscopy of surface immobilized gold nanospheres above a gold surface supported by self-assembled monolayers. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 125 [17] (2006) 174703 10.1063/1.2363979
  • Atsushi Mori, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Yoshihisa Suzuki, Tsutomu Sawada, Kensaku Ito. Monte Carlo simulation of crystal-fluid coexistence states in the hard-sphere system under gravity with stepwise control. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124 [17] (2006) 174507 10.1063/1.2193149
  • Ikuyo Nakai, Hiroshi Kondoh, Toru Shimada, Andrea Resta, Jesper N. Andersen, Toshiaki Ohta. Mechanism of CO oxidation reaction on O-covered Pd(111) surfaces studied with fast x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: Change of reaction path accompanying phase transition of O domains. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124 [22] (2006) 224712 10.1063/1.2205856
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