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Last updated: February 15, 2025
13 article(s) found. Sorted by publication dates. (Help) | |
H.G.Suzuki, Y.Jin, K.Adachi, T.Takeuchi, Y JIN, K ADACHI, T TAKEUCHI, Y JIN, H.G.Suzuki, Y.Jin, K.Adachi, T.Takeuchi. Ageing characteristics of Cu-Cr in situ composite. J.Material Science. 33 (1998) 1333-1341 | |
J-L.Bobet, 増田千利, 増田千利. Estimation of Residual Stresses in SiC/Ti-15-3 Composites and Their Relaxation a Fatigue Test. J.Material Science. (1995) | |
菊地武, 梅原雅捷. Relation between antimony content and lattice parameters of Sb-Sn Oxide. J.Materials Science Letters. (1985) 1051 | |
井上善三郎. A new role for Nitrogen in Silicon nitride and Related ceramics. J.Materials Science letters. (1985) 656 | |
井上善三郎, 猪股吉三, 小松啓, 田中廣吉. Simplified method of generating layer sequences for SiC polytypes part 2 Application to the determination of new polytypes 20H(a. J.Material Science. (1982) 3197 | |
井上善三郎. A Simplified method of Generating layer sequences for SiC polytypes, Part 1 Theory of generating layer sequences. J.Material Science. (1982) 3189 | |
太田正恒, 堤正幸, IZUMI, Fujio, 上野精一. Phase Separation and Structural Change Accompanying the Introduction of Silver to Arsenic Trisulphide glass. J.Material Science. (1982) 2431 | |
AKAISHI, Minoru, KANDA, Hisao, 佐藤洋一郎, 瀬高信雄. Sintering behavior of the diamond-cobalt System at high temperature and pressure. J.Materials Science. (1982) 193 | |
KANDA, Hisao, AKAISHI, Minoru, 瀬高信雄, 山岡信夫, 福長脩. Surface Structures of Synthetic Diamonds. J.Material Science. (1980) 2743 | |
三友護, 倉元信行, 鈴木弘茂. Reply to comments on New compound in the system La-Si-O-N. J.Materials, Science. (1979) 2779 | |