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Last updated: February 06, 2025
54 article(s) found. Sorted by publication dates. (Help) | |
Takuya HASEGAWA, Hirotaka MATSUURA, Kazumi INAGAKI, Hiroki HARAGUCHI. Collection of Iron(Ⅲ) from Homogeneous Aqueous Solutions on Membrane Filters Using Chromazurol B with Triton X-100.. Analytical Sciences. 19 [1] (2003) 147-150 10.2116/analsci.19.265 | |
YAMAGUCHI, Hitoshi, 伊藤真, 五十嵐淑郎, 内藤久仁茂, 長谷川良佑. TXRF Analysis of Solution Samples Using Polyester Film as a Disposable Sample-Carrier Cover. Analytical Sciences. (1998) 909-912 | |
Shinji ITOH, 五十嵐淑郎, 内藤久仁茂, 長谷川良佑, Hitoshi YAMAGUCHI, Shukuro IGARASHI, Kunishige NAITOH, Ryosuke HASEGAWA. Total reflection x-ray fluorescence using hydrophobic film coated on the silicon plate. Analytical Sciences. 14 [5] (1998) 909-912 10.2116/analsci.14.909 | |
郡宗幸, 佐藤幸一. Determination of Organotin Compounds in Shellfish Using Solid Phase Extraction and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy . Analytical Sciences(Anal.Sci). (1997) 141-143 | |
小松優, 梅谷重夫. Triple-phase separation of alkaline earth metal ions. Analytical Science. (1997) 107-110 | |
HASEGAWA, Shin-ichi, KOBAYASHI, Takeshi, 長谷川良佑. Determination of trace amounts of Pb,Mn and Co in acidic solution of vanadium,niobium and hafnium by graphite furnace atomic ads. Analytical Science. (1997) | |
斎藤守正, 広瀬文雄, 大河内春乃, Morimasa SAITO, Fumio HIROSE, Haruno OKOCHI. Determination of Micro-Amounts of Boron in High-Purity Molybdenum Metals by Spectrophotometric Method Using Crucmin,Spark Source. Analytical Sciences. 11 [4] (1995) 695-697 10.2116/analsci.11.695 | |
小松優, 藤木良規, 佐々木高義. Ion-Exchange Separation of Barium Ions and Other Alkaline Earth Metal Ions by Dihydrogen Tetratitanate Hydrate Fibers at 298K. Analytical Sciences. (1991) 153-156 | |
斎藤守正, NDRIMASA SAITO. Enhancement of Sensitivity by Ar/H2 Gas Mixture in Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry.. Analytical Sciences. 7 [Supple] (1991) 541-543 10.2116/analsci.7.supple_541 | |
鯨井脩, 山田圭, 郡宗幸, 大河内春乃, OSAMU KUJIRAI, KEI YAMADA, MUNEYUKI KOHRI, HARUNO OKOCHI. Determination of Traces of Impurities in Molybdenum Disilicide by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry after . Analytical Sciences. 7 [Supple] (1991) 99-102 10.2116/analsci.7.supple_99 | |