4177 article(s) found. Sorted by publication dates. (Help) | |
IYI, Nobuo, 三友護, 井上善三郎. SINGLE-CRYSTAL GROWTH OF La4Si2O7N2 BY THE FLOATING ZONE METHOD. Journal of Materials Science. (1980) 1641 | |
西谷龍介, AONO, Masakazu, 田中高穂, 河合七雄, 岩崎宏, 中村勝吾, 大島忠平. Surface structures and work functions of the LaB6(100),(110) and (111) clean surfaces. Surface Science. (1980) 535 | |
井上善三郎, 猪股吉三, TANAKA, Hidehiko, 川端晴男. . Journal of Materials Science. (1980) 575 | |
山岡信夫, KANDA, Hisao, 瀬高信雄. Etching of diamond octahedrons at high temperatures and pressure with controlled oxygen partial pressure. Journal of Material Science. (1980) 332 | |
井上善三郎, 猪股吉三, TANAKA, Hidehiko, 川端治夫. A new phase of Aluminium silicon carbide, Al4Si2C5. Journal of Material Science. (1980) 255 | |
西谷龍介, AONO, Masakazu, 田中高穂, 河合七雄, 岩崎宏, 中村勝吾. Oxygen adsorption on the LaB6(100) surface studied by UPS and LEED. Surface Science. (1980) 191 | |
平田俊也, 斎藤一男, 斎藤一男, 平田俊也, 斎藤一男, 斎藤一男. The Reflectance of Sputtered Mo Thin Films Implanted with Nitrogen Ions.. Journal of Materials Science Letters. 9 (1980) 827-828 | |
平田俊也, T. Hirata. いくつかの金属ガラスの安定性について液体の空孔理論の応用. Journal of Materials Science. 15 [7] (1980) 1864-1865 10.1007/bf00550609 | |
増田千利, 太田昭彦, 西島敏, 佐々木悦男, Masuda C., Ohta A., Nishijima S., Sasaki E.. き裂伝播速度が70μm/回に至る広範囲にわたる軟鋼の疲れストライエーション. Journal of Materials Science. 15 [7] (1980) 1663-1670 10.1007/bf00550582 | |
三友護, 倉元信行, 鈴木弘茂. Reply to comments on New compound in the system La-Si-O-N. J.Materials, Science. (1979) 2779 | |