4188 article(s) found. Sorted by publication dates. (Help) | |
鈴木敏之, 鈴木敏之, 鈴木敏之, 鈴木敏之. ShapeMemory Effect in Ti-Mo-Al Alloys. Titanium Science and Technology. (1985) 1667 | |
緒形俊夫, 石川圭介, NAGAI, Kotobu, HIRAGA, Keijiro, 由利哲美, Toshio Ogata, Keisuke Ishikawa. Discontinuous Deformation of Austenitic Stainless Steels in Superfluid Helium. Journal of Materials Science Letters. 4 [9] (1985) 1079-1081 10.1007/bf00720420 | |
太田昭彦, 佐々木悦男, 小菅 通雄, 西島敏, 太田昭彦, 佐々木悦男, 西島敏. 溶接継手の疲れき裂伝播及び下限界特性. Material Science Series. 1 (1985) 157 | |
中村恵吉, 星勉, 星勉, K. Nakamura, T. Hoshi. . Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films. 3 [1] (1985) 34-38 10.1116/1.573242 | |
岡井敏, 井上善三郎, 木村茂行. B1-B2 Transition of Rb and K halides. High Pressure in Science and Technology. (1984) 153 | |
三友護, HIROSAKI, Naoto, 三橋武文. . Journal of Materials Science Letters. (1984) 915 | |
HANEDA, Hajime, 進藤勇, 山村博, 白嵜信一. Oxygen self-diffusion in single and Polycrystalline magnesio-ferrites. Journal of Materials Science. (1984) 2948 | |
AONO, Masakazu. Summary Abstract:A Specialization of low-energy ion scattering spectroscopy and its application to surface studies of TiC. Journal Vacuum Science and Technology. (1984) 635 | |
川原浩司, 上原満, 上原満, Kohji Kawahara, Mitsuru Uehara. . Journal of Materials Science. 19 [8] (1984) 2575-2581 10.1007/bf00550812 | |
竹内 孝夫, 戸叶一正, 太刀川恭治, K. Togano, K. Tachikawa. . Journal of Materials Science. 19 [7] (1984) 2172-2182 10.1007/bf01058093 | |