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Akirabha Chanuntranont, Kazuki Otani, Daiki Saito, Yuki Ueda, Masato Tsugawa, Shuntaro Usui, Yuto Miyake, Tokuyuki Teraji, Shinobu Onoda, Takahiro Shinada, Hiroshi Kawarada, Takashi Tanii. Enhancing photon collection from single shallow nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond nanopillars for quantum heterodyne measurements. Applied Physics Express. 16 [8] (2023) 082006 10.35848/1882-0786/acede9 Open Access | |
Yuto Shibata, Kenta Sato, Hiroaki Sukegawa, Hideo Kaiju. Large magnetocapacitance of up to 456% at room temperature in FeCo/MgAl2O4/FeCo(001) magnetic tunnel junctions. Applied Physics Express. 16 [11] (2023) 113003 10.35848/1882-0786/ad0b40 | |
Makoto Tachibana, Cédric Bourgès, Takao Mori. Thermal conductivity of lead zirconate titanate PbZr1−x
O3. Applied Physics Express. 16 [10] (2023) 101002 10.35848/1882-0786/ad0359 Open Access | |
Yasuaki Takeda, Yuji Tsuchiya, Gen Nishijima. Interpretation of time-dependent current and resistance of HTS closed loop with superconducting joint considering flux creep. Applied Physics Express. 16 [9] (2023) 093002 10.35848/1882-0786/acf7a9 Open Access | |
Ken-ichi Uchida, Tetsuya Kuwabara, Toru Tanji, Makoto Fujimoto, Ren Nagasawa, Ryo Iguchi. Anomalous Nernst thermoelectric generation in multilayer-laminated coiled magnetic wires. Applied Physics Express. 16 [9] (2023) 093001 10.35848/1882-0786/acf645 Open Access | |
Rajkumar Modak, Weinan Zhou, Yuya Sakuraba, Ken-ichi Uchida. Comparison of the in-plane coercive field and anomalous Nernst effect between a co-sputtered Sm–Co amorphous film and Sm/Co multilayer amorphous films with various layer thicknesses. Applied Physics Express. 16 [5] (2023) 053003 10.35848/1882-0786/acd103 | |
Yuto Urano, Mengsong Xue, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Ryo Kitaura. Assessment of valley coherence in a high-quality monolayer molybdenum diselenide. Applied Physics Express. 16 [6] (2023) 065003 10.35848/1882-0786/acd985 | |
Yuichi Oshima, Hiroyuki Ando, Takashi Shinohe. Reduction of dislocation density in α-Ga2O3 epilayers via rapid growth at low temperatures by halide vapor phase epitaxy. Applied Physics Express. 16 [6] (2023) 065501 10.35848/1882-0786/acddca Open Access | |
Makoto Tachibana, Cédric Bourgès, Takao Mori. Suppression of high-temperature thermal conductivity due to electron-lattice coupling in PrAlO3, Tb2Ti2O7, and Dy3Al5O12. Applied Physics Express. 16 [6] (2023) 061003 10.35848/1882-0786/acda0f Open Access | |
Shaochun Zhang, Mengsong Xue, Fanyu Zeng, Ryo Kitaura. An observation of a photovoltaic effect in MoS2 nanoribbons fabricated with a top-down approach. Applied Physics Express. 16 [3] (2023) 035003 10.35848/1882-0786/acbf9f | |