1297 article(s) found. Sorted by publication dates. (Help) | |
堀内繁雄, Marco Cantoni, 内田正哉, 鶴田忠正, 松井良夫. Direct observation of the interaction between a vortex lattice and dislocations in a superconducting Nb crystal. Applied Physics Letters. (1998) | |
蒲生西谷美香, SAKAGUCHI, Isao, 羅健平, KANDA, Hisao, ANDO, Toshihiro. Confocal raman spectroscopic observation of hexagonal diamond formation from dissolved carbon in nickel under chemical vapor dep. Applied Physics Letters. (1998) | |
羅健平, 蒲生西谷美香, SAKAGUCHI, Isao, TANIGUCHI, Takashi, ANDO, Toshihiro. Thermal stability of the negative electron affinity condition on cubic boron nitride. Applied Physics Letters. (1998) 3023-3025 | |
牛澤浩一, WATANABE, Kenji, ANDO, Toshihiro, SAKAGUCHI, Isao, 蒲生西谷美香, 佐藤洋一郎, KANDA, Hisao. . “Applied Physics Letters”. (1998) | |
KITAMURA, Kenji, 古川保典, 丹羽一夫, Venkatraman Gopalan, Terence E. Mitchell. Crystal growth and low coercive field for 180 domain switching characteristics of stoichiometirc LiTaO3. Applied Physics Letters. (1998) 3073-3075 | |
YUSA, Hitoshi, TAKEMURA, Kenichi, 松井良夫, 森島秀明, WATANABE, Kenji, 山脇浩, 青木勝敏. Direct transformation of graphite to cubic diamond observed in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell. Applied Physics Letters. (1998) 1843-1845 | |
Venkatraman Gopalan, Terence E.Mitchell, 古川保典, 北村健二. . Applied Physics Letters. (1998) 1981-1983 | |
石垣隆正, FanXiaobao, 作田忠裕, 番匠俊行, 渋谷幸仁. Generation of pulse-modulated induction thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure. Applied Physics Letters. (1997) 3787-3789 | |
Oleg A.Louchev. Surface diffusion growth and stability mechanism of BN nanotubes produced by laser beam heating under superhigh pressures. Applied Physics Letters. (1997) 3522-3524 | |
B.D.Yu, 宮本良行, 杉野修, SASAKI, Taizo, OHNO, Takahisa. Unusual Ti-adsorption and activation of Si-ejection on Si(001). Applied Physics Letters. (1997) | |