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Last updated: February 07, 2025

328 article(s) found. Sorted by publication dates. (Help)
  • Shunsuke Tsuda, Naoki Kikugawa, Kaori Sugii, Shinya Uji, Shigenori Ueda, Masao Arai, Masamichi Nakajima, Akira Iyo, Hiroshi Eisaki. Hybridization Effect in BaFe2(As1−xPx)2Observed by Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 86 [5] (2017) 053702 10.7566/jpsj.86.053702
  • Wataru Namiki, Takashi Tsuchiya, Makoto Takayanagi, Shoto Furuichi, Makoto Minohara, Masaki Kobayashi, Koji Horiba, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Tohru Higuchi. Electron Conduction of Nd0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ Thin Film with Oxygen Vacancies Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 86 [7] (2017) 074704 10.7566/jpsj.86.074704
  • Isao Ohkubo, Takao Mori. Comparative Study of Exchange–Correlation Functional and Potential for Evaluating Thermoelectric Transport Properties in d0 Perovskite Oxides. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 86 [7] (2017) 074705 10.7566/jpsj.86.074705
  • Osamu Sakai, Taku T. Suzuki. Effects of the Electronic Spin–Orbit Interaction on the Anomalous Asymmetric Scattering of the Spin-Polarized 4He+ Beam with Paramagnetic Target Materials. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 86 [6] (2017) 064301 10.7566/jpsj.86.064301 Open Access
  • Ryo Iguchi, Eiji Saitoh. Measurement of Spin Pumping Voltage Separated from Extrinsic Microwave Effects. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 86 [1] (2017) 011003 10.7566/jpsj.86.011003
  • Yusuke Yanagisawa, Masashi Tanaka, Aichi Yamashita, Kouji Suzuki, Hiroshi Hara, Mohammed ElMassalami, Hiroyuki Takeya, Yoshihiko Takano. Phase-Separation Control of KxFe2−ySe2 Superconductor through Rapid-Quenching Process. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 86 [4] (2017) 043703 10.7566/jpsj.86.043703
  • Shiori Sugiura, Kazuo Shimada, Naoya Tajima, Yutaka Nishio, Taichi Terashima, Takayuki Isono, Reizo Kato, Shinya Uji. Magnetic Torque Studies in Two-Dimensional Organic Conductor λ-(BETS)2FeCl4. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 86 [1] (2017) 014702 10.7566/jpsj.86.014702
  • Hirofumi Sakakibara, Seung Woo Jang, Hiori Kino, Myung Joon Han, Kazuhiko Kuroki, Takao Kotani. Model-Mapped RPA for Determining the Effective Coulomb Interaction. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 86 [4] (2017) 044714 10.7566/jpsj.86.044714
  • Jiyoung Kang, Hiori Kino, Martin J. Field, Masaru Tateno. Electronic Structure Rearrangements in Hybrid Ribozyme/Protein Catalysis. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 86 [4] (2017) 044801 10.7566/jpsj.86.044801 Open Access
  • Takashi Ishikawa, Tatsuya Toriyama, Takehisa Konishi, Hiroya Sakurai, Yukinori Ohta. Reversed Crystal-Field Splitting and Spin–Orbital Ordering in α-Sr2CrO4. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 86 [3] (2017) 033701 10.7566/jpsj.86.033701
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