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Last updated: February 16, 2025

144 article(s) found. Sorted by publication dates. (Help)
  • Shuqi Guo, Yutaka Kagawa. Relationships between the accumulative damage and dielectric properties of woven BN-coated Hi-Nicalon™ SiC fibre-reinforced SiC matrix composites. Ceramics International. 41 [6] (2015) 7366-7373 10.1016/j.ceramint.2015.02.043
  • Jinsheng Li, Xudong Sun, Shaohong Liu, Xiaodong Li, Ji-Guang Li, Di Huo. A homogeneous co-precipitation method to synthesize highly sinterability YAG powders for transparent ceramics. Ceramics International. 41 [2] (2015) 3283-3287 10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.10.076
  • Mehdi Estili, J. Echeberria, J. Vleugels, K. Vanmeensel, Oleksandr B. Bondarchuk, N. Rodríguez, L. Larrimbe, A. Reyes-Rojas, A. Garcia-Reyes, C. Domínguez-Rios, M.H. Bocanegra-Bernal, A. Aguilar-Elguezabal. Sintering in a graphite powder bed of alumina-toughened zirconia/carbon nanotube composites: a novel way to delay hydrothermal degradation. Ceramics International. 41 [3] (2015) 4569-4580 10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.11.155
  • D. Demirskyi, D. Agrawal, A. Ragulya. Tough ceramics by microwave sintering of nanocrystalline titanium diboride ceramics. Ceramics International. 40 [1] (2014) 1303-1310 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.07.010
  • Shuqi Guo. Reactive hot-pressing of platelet-like ZrB2–ZrC–Zr cermets: Processing and microstructure. Ceramics International. 40 [8] (2014) 12693-12702 10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.04.117
  • Seongwon Kim, Jung-Min Chae, Sung-Min Lee, Yoon-Suk Oh, Hyung-Tae Kim, Byung-Koog Jang. Change in microstructures and physical properties of ZrB2–SiC ceramics hot-pressed with a variety of SiC sources. Ceramics International. 40 [2] (2014) 3477-3483 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.09.082
  • Chenning Zhang, Tetsuo Uchikoshi, Lihong Liu, Yoshio Sakka, Naoto Hirosaki. Beta-sialon phosphor deposits fabricated by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process in a magnetic field. Ceramics International. 40 [6] (2014) 8369-8375 10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.01.043
  • N.M. Rendtorff, G. Suárez, Y. Sakka, E.F. Aglietti. Dense mullite zirconia composites obtained from the reaction sintering of milled stoichiometric alumina zircon mixtures by SPS. Ceramics International. 40 [3] (2014) 4461-4470 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.08.119
  • Kaili Lin, Dong Zhai, Na Zhang, Naoki Kawazoe, Guoping Chen, Jiang Chang. Fabrication and characterization of bioactive calcium silicate microspheres for drug delivery. Ceramics International. 40 [2] (2014) 3287-3293 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.09.106
  • Mathieu Grandcolas, Jinhua Ye, Kunichi Miyazawa. Titania nanotubes and fullerenes C60 assemblies and their photocatalytic activity under visible light. Ceramics International. 40 [1] (2014) 1297-1302 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.07.009
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