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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2024年09月09日

  • Youhei Yamaji, Takahiro Misawa, Masatoshi Imada. Quantum and Topological Criticalities of Lifshitz Transition in Two-Dimensional Correlated Electron Systems. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 75 [9] (2006) 094719 10.1143/jpsj.75.094719
  • Jiro Kitagawa, Masahiro Ishizaka, Yutaka Kadoya, Satoshi Matsuishi, Hideo Hosono. Possible polaron effect in complex terahertz conductivity of electron-doped nanoporous crystal 12CaO·7Al2O3. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 75 [8] (2006) 084715 10.1143/jpsj.75.084715
  • Jiro Kitagawa, Masahiro Ishizaka, Yutaka Kadoya, Satoru Matsuishi, Hideo Hosono. Erratum: Possible polaron effect in complex terahertz conductivity of electron-doped nanoporous crystal 12CaȮ7Al2O3 (Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (2006) 75, (084715)). Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 75 [11] (2006) 118001 10.1143/jpsj.75.118001
  • Shin Nakamura, Susumu Shimomura, Naoshi Ikeda, Shigeki Nimori, Takao Takeuchi, Kikuo Itoh. Structural Change on the Magnetic Field-Induced Insulator-to-Metal Transition in Distorted Perovskite Eu0.6Sr0.4MnO3. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 73 [11] (2004) 3059-3063 10.1143/jpsj.73.3059
  • Shintaro Nakamura, Osamu Suzuki, Terutaka Goto, Yuichi Nemoto, Mitsuhiro Akatsu, Satoru Kunii. Anisotropy in the Magnetic Phase Diagrams of CexLa1-xB6. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 71 [Suppl] (2002) 112-114 10.1143/jpsjs.71s.112
  • Yuichi Nemoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Terutaka Goto, Osamu Suzuki, Takenobu Horino, Andreas Dönni, Takemi Komatsubara. Ultrasonic Investigations of Ferroquadrupolar Ordering at 8c Site in Ce3Pd20Ge6. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 71 [Suppl] (2002) 121-123 10.1143/jpsjs.71s.121
  • Kanji Takehana, Mitsutake Oshikiri, Tadashi Takamasu, Masashi Hase, Giyuu Kido, Kunimitsu Uchinokura. Anomalous Softening of Spin–Phonon Coupled Mode on CuGeO3. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 71 [8] (2002) 2031-2034 10.1143/jpsj.71.2031
  • OSHIKIRI, Mitsutake, Aryasetiawan Ferdi, Mitsutake Oshikiri, Ferdi Aryasetiawan. Quasiparticle Energy Calculations on II(Zn)-VI(O, S, Se) and III(Al,Ga)-V(N) Semiconductors in the Wurtzite Structure. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 69 [7] (2000) 2113-2120 10.1143/jpsj.69.2113
  • TAKEHANA, Kanji, OSHIKIRI, Mitsutake, 木戸義勇, HASE, Masashi, 内野倉國光, Kanji Takehana, Mitsutake Oshikiri, Giyuu Kido, Masashi Hase, Kunimitsu Uchinokura. Magnetostriction and Thermal Expansion Measurements ofCuGeO3. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 65 [9] (1996) 2783-2785 10.1143/jpsj.65.2783
  • OSHIKIRI, Mitsutake, TAKEHANA, Kanji, ASANO, Toshihisa, 木戸義勇, Mitsutake Oshikiri, Kanji Takehana, Toshihisa Asano, Giyuu Kido. Cyclotron Resonance of n-GaP in a Wide Far Infrared Region. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 65 [9] (1996) 2936-2939 10.1143/jpsj.65.2936
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