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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2025年02月06日

  • Hideki KAKISAWA, Toshiyuki NISHIMURA. A modified simple interface fracture test for ceramic environmental barrier coating on ceramic matrix composite. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 129 [1] (2021) 40-45 10.2109/jcersj2.20167 Open Access
  • Isao SAKAGUCHI, Noriko SAITO, Taku T. SUZUKI, Tsuyoshi OHNISHI. Study of oxygen diffusion in dense lanthanum oxide ceramics. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 129 [1] (2021) 79-82 10.2109/jcersj2.20127 Open Access
  • Hari Shankar MALLIK, Ichiro FUJII, Yoshio MATSUI, Gopal Prasad KHANAL, Sangwook KIM, Shintaro UENO, Tohru S. SUZUKI, Satoshi WADA. Preparation and investigation of hexagonal-tetragonal BaTiO3 powders. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 129 [2] (2021) 91-96 10.2109/jcersj2.20186 Open Access
  • Ji-Hwoan LEE, Byung-Nam KIM, Satoshi HATA, Byung-Koog JANG. Microstructural and spectroscopic analysis in non-uniform Y2O3 ceramics fabricated by spark plasma sintering. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 129 [1] (2021) 66-72 10.2109/jcersj2.20173 Open Access
  • Hirokazu MASAI, Shinji KOHARA, Yohei ONODERA, Akitoshi KOREEDA, Kazuya SAITO, Edison Haruhico SEKIYA, Naoyuki KITAMURA. Relationship between the first sharp diffraction peak and physical properties of silicon dioxide (SiO2) glasses possessing different fictive temperatures. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 128 [12] (2020) 1038-1044 10.2109/jcersj2.20172 Open Access
  • Hari Shankar MALLIK, Ichiro FUJII, Gopal Prasad KHANAL, Sangwook KIM, Shintaro UENO, Tohru S. SUZUKI, Satoshi WADA. Fabrication of 〈111〉-oriented BaTiO3 ceramics by high magnetic field electrophoretic deposition using hexagonal-tetragonal co-existing BaTiO3 powder. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 128 [8] (2020) 469-474 10.2109/jcersj2.20013 Open Access
  • Isao SAKAGUCHI. Characteristics of oxygen diffusion induced by Al and Li interaction in Al-implanted zinc oxide ceramics. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 128 [2] (2020) 92-95 10.2109/jcersj2.19189 Open Access
  • Shigenori MATSUSHIMA, Masao ARAI, Junko ISHII, Kouki NAKAMURA. Electronic structure and optical properties of Y2BaCuO5 with antiferromagnetic spin arrangements. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 128 [12] (2020) 1055-1060 10.2109/jcersj2.20154 Open Access
  • Tohru S. SUZUKI. Advanced control of crystallographic orientation in ceramics by strong magnetic field. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 128 [12] (2020) 1005-1012 10.2109/jcersj2.20176 Open Access
  • Dmytro DEMIRSKYI, Tohru S. SUZUKI, Kyosuke YOSHIMI, Oleg VASYLKIV. Synthesis of medium-entropy (Zr1/3Hf1/3Ta1/3)B2 using the spark plasma consolidation of diboride powders. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 128 [11] (2020) 977-980 10.2109/jcersj2.20151 Open Access
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