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最終更新日: 2025年01月20日
411件の論文が見つかりました。論文は出版年月日順に表示しています。(ヘルプ) | |
E.M. Kopnin, A. Sato, T. Asaka, Y. Matsui, E. Takayama-Muromachi. High-pressure synthesis and characterization of Au-1201 phase. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 361 [1-2] (2003) 28-31 10.1016/s0925-8388(03)00386-4 | |
Evgeny M. Kopnin, Akira Sato, Eiji Takayama-Muromachi. High pressure synthesis and structure refinement of LiTiSi2O6. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 354 [1-2] (2003) L16-L19 10.1016/s0925-8388(02)01360-9 | |
Seung Jin Yang, Soo Woo Nam, Masuo Hagiwara. Phase identification and effect of W on the microstructure and micro-hardness of Ti2AlNb-based intermetallic alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 350 [1-2] (2003) 280-287 10.1016/s0925-8388(02)00956-8 | |
Y. Zhang, T. Ozaki, M. Komaki, C. Nishimura. Hydrogen pemeation characteristics of V-15Ni membrane with Pd/Ag overlayer by sputtering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 356-357 (2003) 553-556 10.1016/s0925-8388(02)01260-4 | |
C. Nishimura, T. Ozaki, M. Komaki, Y. Zhang. Hydrogen Permeation and Transmission Electron Microscope Observations of V-Al Alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 356-357 (2003) 295-299 10.1016/s0925-8388(02)01273-2 | |
X Ren, K Otsuka, T Suzuki. Premartensitic Attenuation in Ti-30Ni-20Cu Shape Memory Alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 355 [1-2] (2003) 196-200 10.1016/s0925-8388(03)00286-x | |
Masaki Sumida. Evolution of two phase microstructure in peritectic Fe-Ni alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 349 [1-2] (2003) 302-310 10.1016/s0925-8388(02)00900-3 | |
Takao Mori, Takaho Tanaka. Single Crystal Growth and Physical Properties of Boron-rich Ytterbium Borosilicide. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 348 [1-2] (2003) 203-207 10.1016/s0925-8388(02)00832-0 | |
E Abe, A.P Tsai. Structure of a metastable Al3Ni decagonal quasicrystal: comparison with a highly-perfect Al72Ni20Co8. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 342 [1-2] (2002) 96-100 10.1016/s0925-8388(02)00150-0 | |
Taku J Sato, Hiroyuki Takakura, Junqing Guo, An Pang Tsai, Kenji Ohoyama. Magnetic correlations in the Cd-Mg-Tb icosahedral quasicrystal. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 342 [1-2] (2002) 365-368 10.1016/s0925-8388(02)00255-4 | |