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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2024年09月08日

  • Tetsuichi Kishishita, Kimiyoshi Ichikawa, Kazuya Tauchi, Masayoshi Shoji, Masayuki Hagiwara, Satoshi Koizumi, Manobu M. Tanaka. A membrane, pseudo-vertical p-i-n diamond detector. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 60 [10] (2023) 1285-1291 10.1080/00223131.2023.2190548 Open Access
  • Arsath Abbasali Ayubali, Alok Singh, Balasivanandha Prabu Shanmugavel, K.A. Padmanabhan. A phenomenological model for predicting long-term high temperature creep life of materials from short-term high temperature creep test data. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 202-203 (2021) 106505 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2021.106505
  • Satoru Kobayashi, Toru Hara. Effect of Different Precipitation Routes of Fe2Hf Laves Phase on the Creep Rate of 9Cr-Based Ferritic Alloys. Applied Sciences. 11 [5] (2021) 2327 10.3390/app11052327 Open Access
  • Gaoge Xue, Takashi Nakamura, Nao Fujimura, Kosuke Takahashi, Hiroyuki Oguma. Initiation and Propagation Processes of Internal Fatigue Cracks in β Titanium Alloy Based on Fractographic Analysis. Applied Sciences. 11 [1] (2021) 131 10.3390/app11010131 Open Access
  • Anil Kunwar, Johan Hektor, Sukeharu Nomoto, Yuri Amorim Coutinho, Nele Moelans. Combining multi-phase field simulation with neural network analysis to unravel thermomigration accelerated growth behavior of Cu6Sn5 IMC at cold side Cu–Sn interface. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 184 (2020) 105843 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.105843
  • Hiromichi Chima, Naoyuki Shiokawa, Keisuke Seto, Kohsei Takahashi, Naoto Hirosaki, Takayoshi Kobayashi, Eiji Tokunaga. Thermal Relaxation Spectra for Evaluating Luminescence Quantum Efficiency of CASN:Eu2+ Measured by Balanced-Detection Sagnac-Interferometer Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy. Applied Sciences. 10 [3] (2020) 1008 10.3390/app10031008 Open Access
  • Takashi Matsuno, Reon Ando, Norio Yamashita, Hideo Yokota, Kenta Goto, Ikumu Watanabe. Analysis of preliminary local hardening close to the ferrite–martensite interface in dual-phase steel by a combination of finite element simulation and nanoindentation test. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 180 (2020) 105663 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.105663
  • Quentin Wilmart, Mohamed Boukhicha, Holger Graef, David Mele, Jose Palomo, Michael Rosticher, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Vincent Bouchiat, Emmanuel Baudin, Jean-Marc Berroir, Erwann Bocquillon, Gwendal Fève, Emiliano Pallecchi, Bernard Plaçais. High-Frequency Limits of Graphene Field-Effect Transistors with Velocity Saturation. Applied Sciences. 10 [2] (2020) 446 10.3390/app10020446 Open Access
  • Hiroaki Ito, Yuta Suzuki, Hideaki Nishikawa, Masao Kinefuchi, Manabu Enoki, Kazuki Shibanuma. Multiscale model prediction of ferritic steel fatigue strength based on microstructural information, tensile properties, and loading conditions (no adjustable material constants). International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 170 (2020) 105339 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2019.105339
  • Takashi Matsuno, Tomoya Yoshioka, Ikumu Watanabe, Luis Alves. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of representative volume elements for characterizing the effects of martensite elongation and banding on tensile strength of ferrite-martensite dual-phase steels. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 163 (2019) 105133 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2019.105133
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