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機構に所属する研究者の発表した論文を、タイトル・抄録・分野などから検索することができます。論文の分野はクラリベイト社のESI分類を参考に分類しています(Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biologyなど)。

最終更新日: 2025年01月13日

  • Alexei A. Belik. Solid Solutions between PbVO3 and BiCoO3. Inorganic Chemistry. 60 [7] (2021) 4957-4965 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c00030 Open Access
  • Zhaoyang Feng, Bibo Lou, Min Yin, Yau-yuen Yeung, Hong-Tao Sun, Chang-Kui Duan. First-Principles Study of Bi3+-Related Luminescence and Electron and Hole Traps in (Y/Lu/La)PO4. Inorganic Chemistry. 60 [7] (2021) 4434-4446 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03217
  • Satoshi Nakano, Asami Sano-Furukawa, Takanori Hattori, Shinichi Machida, Kazuki Komatsu, Hiroshi Fujihisa, Hiroshi Yamawaki, Yoshito Gotoh, Takumi Kikegawa. Observation of Dihydrogen Bonds in High-Pressure Phases of Ammonia Borane by X-ray and Neutron Diffraction Measurements. Inorganic Chemistry. 60 [5] (2021) 3065-3073 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03345
  • Fumio Kawamura, Hidenobu Murata, Masataka Imura, Naoomi Yamada, Takashi Taniguchi. Synthesis of CaSnN2 via a High-Pressure Metathesis Reaction and the Properties of II-Sn-N2 (II = Ca, Mg, Zn) Semiconductors. Inorganic Chemistry. 60 [3] (2021) 1773-1779 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03242
  • Takayuki Suehiro, Masataka Tansho, Toru Ishigaki, Tadashi Shimizu. Quaternary Wurtzitic Nitrides (1 – x)ZnGeN2–2xGaN (x = 0.02, 0.05): Disorder-Induced Band-Gap Narrowing and Potentiality as a Solar-Active Photocatalyst. Inorganic Chemistry. 60 [3] (2021) 1542-1549 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c02894
  • Tong Wu, Kotaro Fujii, Taito Murakami, Masatomo Yashima, Satoru Matsuishi. Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of Rare-Earth-Activated Sr3–xAxAlO4H (A = Ca, Ba; x = 0, 1): New Members of Aluminate Oxyhydrides. Inorganic Chemistry. 59 [20] (2020) 15384-15393 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c02356
  • Angelo Mullaliu, Kazutoshi Kuroki, Marlou Keller, Kei Kubota, Daniel Buchholz, Shinichi Komaba, Stefano Passerini. Structural Investigation of Quaternary Layered Oxides upon Na-Ion Deinsertion. Inorganic Chemistry. 59 [11] (2020) 7408-7414 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b03727
  • Naoki Ohashi, David Mora-Fonz, Shigeki Otani, Takeshi Ohgaki, Masashi Miyakawa, Alexander Shluger. Inverse Perovskite Oxysilicides and Oxygermanides as Candidates for Nontoxic Infrared Semiconductor and Their Chemical Bonding Nature. Inorganic Chemistry. 59 [24] (2020) 18305-18313 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c02897
  • Ya Tang, Kosaku Kato, Takayoshi Oshima, Hiroto Mogi, Akinobu Miyoshi, Kotaro Fujii, Kei-ichi Yanagisawa, Koji Kimoto, Akira Yamakata, Masatomo Yashima, Kazuhiko Maeda. Synthesis of Three-Layer Perovskite Oxynitride K2Ca2Ta3O9N·2H2O and Photocatalytic Activity for H2 Evolution under Visible Light. Inorganic Chemistry. 59 [15] (2020) 11122-11128 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c01607
  • Raymond V. Rivera Virtudazo, Bhuvanesh Srinivasan, Quansheng Guo, Rudder Wu, Toshiaki Takei, Yuta Shimasaki, Hiroaki Wada, Kazuyuki Kuroda, Slavko Bernik, Takao Mori. Improvement in the thermoelectric properties of porous networked Al-doped ZnO nanostructured materials synthesized via an alternative interfacial reaction and low-pressure SPS processing. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. 7 [21] (2020) 4118-4132 10.1039/d0qi00888e Open Access
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