HOME > Article > DetailEnhancement of singlet oxygen generation based on incorporation of oxoporphyrinogen (OxP) into microporous solidsJ. Hynek, D.T. Payne, M.K. Chahal, F. Sciortino, Y. Matsushita, L.K. Shrestha, K. Ariga, J. Labuta, Y. Yamauchi, J.P. Hill. Materials Today Chemistry 21 100534. 2021.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtchem.2021.100534 NIMS author(s)MATSUSHITA, YoshitakaSHRESTHA, Lok KumarARIGA, KatsuhikoLABUTA, JanYAMAUCHI, YusukeHILL, JonathanFulltext and dataset(s) on Materials Data Repository (MDR)Created at: 2021-08-21 03:00:18 +0900Updated at: 2025-02-10 08:07:51 +0900