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Nanosecond spin lifetimes in bottom-up fabricated bilayer graphene spin-valves with atomic layer deposited Al2O3 spin injection and detection barriers
(Nanosecond spin lifetimes in bottom-up fabricated bilayer graphene spin-valves with atomic layer deposited Al2O3 spin injection and detection barriers )

Marc Drögeler, Frank Volmer, Maik Wolter, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Daniel Neumaier, Christoph Stampfer, Bernd Beschoten.
physica status solidi (b) 252 [11] 2395-2400. 2015.

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    Created at: 2016-05-24 17:55:35 +0900Updated at: 2025-01-08 04:15:36 +0900

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